let%Everything ReasonML
let%Anything is a really cool module for ReasonML,
Which allows you to create a module and use as with let%Module
, lets take a look how to use.
Since buckleScript have upgraded to 7++ by default and I am using bs-let for demo:
Create a module and method that you like, with let_
Here I create a very basic module of MapEmpty with let_, that takes a parameter and returns a callback which will be used as promise.
module MapEmpty = {
let let_ = (params, cb) => params->Belt.Option.getWithDefault("")->cb;
So we can use this module as %Module
let a = None;
let%MapEmpty b = a;
You can find very cool introduction on EggHead of how you can use with async/await to replace promise in ReasonML.
Although EggHead is using promise from got module, I like to use bs-fetch so that you don't have to write binding. Lets install bs-fetch
yarn add bs-fetch
And remember to add bs-fetch to your bsconfig file
Now we want to create a Fetch module that will call a ajax and return the json data
Module Fetch = {
let perform = url =>
|> then_(Fetch.Response.json)
|> then_(json => json |> resolve)
and create the async method
Module Async = {
let let_ = (prop, cb) => Js.Promise.then_(cb, prop);
so now you can use it like the way you want like Javascript async/await
let%Async res = Promise.perform("http://www.your-json.com/xxx.json");
Js.log(res); // here you will received the json