March 15, 2019

Higher order component for ReasonReact

A higher order component is basically a reusable component which allows you to takes in another component and return a new component.

To recap about higher component check our my older post here

In ReasoML higher order function are called "Functors" which takes in a module type and returns a module type, functors are written like function, except you use module instead of const/let/var...

lets try to write a simple functor here:

  module type PersonType = {
    type t;

    let fullName: (t, t) => string;

  module MakeName = (T: PersonType) => {
    type name = T.t;

    let sayName = (x, y) => "Hello I am " ++ T.fullName(x, y);

  module NameString = {
    type t = string;

    let fullName = (x, y) => x ++ y;

  module Max = MakeName(NameString)

  Js.log(Max.sayName("max", "li"));

You can read read more about Functor here

So now we want to use this approach on higher order component, kind of like react, wrap component in a function, here wrap in a functor.

module type S = {
  type t;

  let equal: (t, t) => bool;

module SelectHoc = (T:S) => {
  type t = {
    label: string,
    value: T.t

  let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("selectComponent");

  let make = (
    ~items: array(t),
  ) => {
    render: (_self) => {


module SelectInt =
    type t = string;

    let equals = (x, y) => x == y;

/* use the component like this... */
let items = [|
  {Int.label: "first", value: 1},
  {label: "second", value: 2},
  {label: "third", value: 3},
  {label: "fourth", value: 4},